Gynaecology and Obstetrics
A gynecologistis a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases associated with female reproductive health.
Responsibilities of a Gynecologist:
A gynecologist is responsible for providing sexual health services, including Pap tests, pelvic examinations, cancer screening, and testing and treating vaginal infections.
Procedures involved in Gynecology:
- Uterus Removal
- Removal of Ovary
- Removing fallopian tubes during the surgery
- If cancer is suspected in the womb, then cone biopsies are taken from the inner walls of the uterus and tissue samples from the cervix.
- Looking inside the uterus using endoscope kind of instruments, Colposcopy, and Hysteroscopy
- Pap smears are taken from the cervix to detect and diagnose cervix cancer.
- Ultrasonography to examine internal reproductive organs.
- Diagnosis and treatment of STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
- Treatment of issues related to the menstruation cycle, such as irregular or on-set menstruation, heavy bleeding, absence, etc.
When to see a Gynecologist?
- Issues raised regarding Periods or getting Pregnant
- Discomfort in your Pelvic Region
- Concerns about Discharge and bad odor
Treatment of a Gynecologist:
Using a tool called a speculum, gynecologists examine the internal parts of a reproductive system that is inserted through the vagina.
Experienced Gynecologists at Russh Super specialty Hospitals:
Russh Super Speciality Hospitals are the right place for all yourgynecology issues. We have the most experienced doctors who can treat and cure the issues of your gynecology problems and the problems associated with pregnancy with care. Our hospitals, with our expertise and experience, have become the trusted hospital for our existing patients as we treat them with care. All kinds of equipment to treat significant health issues are available at our hospitals. Our primary gynecology treatments may include Gynecology illness, Pelvic Floor Repair, Vaginal Vault Prolapse repair, IUI Treatment, High-Risk Obstetrics Management, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, etc.

Dr. C. Kranthi Reddy
Senior Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist
Laparoscopic & Infertility Specialist
OPD Hours
07:00 pm – 09:00 pm
Emergency Cases
Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry call us.